My Mc'Donalds
OK lazy sunday pt.2.
When everything is hard//
I know going out and getting takeaways when you haven't quite bounced back by sunset seems like the logical thing to do here, but bear with me.
Not being a fast food connoisseur I find making the decision of where to go on sloppy sundays overwhelming. So many choices, all equally shit in their own special way.
Should I cross the first hurdle and make it as far as a takeaway joint I am again burdened with indecision. Menu panic: tossing up between at least 5 different options, blowing a fuse at the precise moment of ordering and asking for something horrendous. Resulting in me going home more depressed then when I arrived, weeping into my soggy fries and unidentifiable deep-fried sadness.
Unless your a fast food enthusiast (Shameonyou) and have ordering down to a fine art I can guarantee it will take less energy to make this then getting in your car and driving to get t/a.
Also I don't even feel bad about not making my own pasta because the Pasta Mia Porcini Ravioli is so freakin good. I'm not usually that into store bought raviolis as they're always rubbery, strange and the filling looks like regurgitated baby food. But this is the real deal, the dough is the perfect texture soft and silky, stuffed with subtle but tasty porcini mushrooms.
Pasta Mia is a little New Zealand company based in Taupo specialising in artisan pasta products made from top quality ingredients. They should be stocked at all good grocers in the chilled section. New Plymouth kids Vetro Taranaki the suppliers of all things good, has em tucked in the freezer!
Porcini Ravioli.
1 packet of Pasta Mia Porcini Ravioli
1 tbsp olive oil
1 clove of garlic
100g flat pancetta chopped into lardons
handful of rocket or cres
(or what every peppery greens you have)
handful of Grana Pandano
Heat oil in a heavy based frying pan, add garlic and pancetta stirring until the pancetta begins to colour. Removed from the heat and add the greens.
Place whole packet of Ravioli into a big sauce pan of salted boiling water (I only had a ridiculously small one). They should only take 3-5 minutes to cook through, once they begin to rise to the surface strain in a colander and and add to the fry pan with other ingredients. Return pan to the heat once everything is sizzling top with grana, loads of black pepper and enjoy.