Monday 17 June 2013


This mexican feast was in honour of a a dear friends departure to start an exciting new life in London town.
 This is a typical celebratory meal in our family. Where we get together, stuff our faces and be merry.

 I cant claim to of produced this meal all on my own, some things are best left to the masters. Born and raised on these staples and the person who taught me all of the mexican basics, my Mum. She expertly hand rolled the taco plates, made the gauc and beans. While my contribution was a red chicken filling, mexican rice and salsa. 

Unfortunately i can't give you the chicken recipe, its my only secret. The only person who knows is Nina Lloyd and thats speaks volumes of how special a friend and kitchen compadre she is. 
What I can tell you is, its actually a base of green chilli's and the basics (onion, garlic, cumin and tinned toms). As for the rest your on your own. 

BUT I will lovingly pass on everything else! 
The salsa takes literally takes less then 10 minutes to make, no chopping required. Its garlicky, fresh citrus flavours adds an authentic finishing touch to any mexican meal. Its great to have on hand, i always make a large batch and freeze it in ice cubes trays for later use. You will never have to buy that weird sweet store bought shit again!


 Fresh Red Salsa.

4 ripe tomatoes
1 red chilli 
2 cloves of garlic
1/2 a white onion
juice of 2 limes 
1/2 cup coriander 

Boil two of the tomatoes, until the skin goes wrinkly then place in a bowl of cold water and the skin should just peel off. Place in the blender with all the other ingredients. 

Mexican Rice.

2 tbsp light oil 
1 chopped white onion
1 sliced courgette  
2 cloves of garlic 
1/2 tsp of dried oregano 
1/2 tsp dried basil 
2 bay leaves
1 cup of white rice
tin of chopped tomatoes
1 cup chicken stock

Heat oil in a heavy based frying pan on a low heat, sweat onions, courgette and garlic with the dried herbs. Once translucent and sweet, crank up the heat to a medium and add the rice and toast for a minute or two. Add the stock and tomatoes, reduce the heat again and cover. Leave to simmer away for 30 mins or so, checking every once in a while adding stock if it starts to dry out.

More mexican to come.
Gracias amigos



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